“Show me a
young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old
Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.”- Winston Churchill
"Everything we hear is an opinion,
not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth"-Marcus

These quotes seem to reflect
the age old truisms about everything we see and hear as being a matter of perspective.
And depending on one’s circumstances at any one point in time, those
perspectives often change. Like many idealistic young people, I recall holding
some rather liberal views back in the day with only the perspective of a
student not yet engaged in the life of building a business. Today after having had a long
business career, my perspectives have definitely changed much like the Churchill
quote indicates. We are all guilty of hearing what we want to hear and seeing
what we want to see colored by our values and life experiences. Yet, despite
the existence of multiple perspectives, the current media narratives tend to be framed
as extremely one way or another. One would think listening to the political news
that you are either an extreme right winger or an extreme left winger while the
reality is that most of us fall on some spectrum in between. I bring this up as
a backdrop to a discussion about one of the most impacting drivers of change in
the financial services business; regulatory reform and its impact on retail business
In the debate about
where financial services regulations should be headed, the narrative has drifted away from what is best
for the clients and the industry to which business model is superior to the other,
RIA or Broker. Just as the noise in politics tends to be loudest from the
extreme positions, the same has occurred within the financial services industry.
There was a study done by Duke University this past fall that coined the term “Belief Superiority” where
researchers found that those at the extremes of the political spectrum felt
most superior about their beliefs. WaPo
article on Belief Superiority Sound familiar?
In our business it has
been framed as the self-righteous fee onlys against the greedy commission onlys
and both have a high degree of “Belief Superiority” going on. While the debate
among the extremes plays out in blogs, tweets and industry articles, the business models are organically drifting towards the middle. The Hybrid model of fees
and commissions has become far and away the fastest growing business model with
no sign of slowing down. The narrative that all FINRA regulated brokers are
some mutation of Gordon Gecko simply no longer applies (Although the “Wolf of
Wall Street” movie keeps perpetuating the myth). The vast majority of those
formerly known as “stockbrokers” earn most their compensation through fees
today. The evil empire as wirehouses have been portrayed no longer exists. This
while some former “fee only” advisors have come to realize that marketing one’s
services based on a differential advantage of how they are compensated isn’t
exactly the ticket to success. They missed the class on Marketing 101 that taught us “in
the absence of value, price is always an issue”. I know some high end insurance
practitioners who disclose ALL their compensation often well into the six
figures on a singular engagement and their clients do not object as they see
value. There are also many "fee-only" advisors who have dropped hourly and/or flat fees being forced to charge
only on AUM since they could not demonstrate value otherwise. With all
the debate about whether the business should “harmonize” or not, it is
happening organically despite the objections by the industry extremes. By the time regulations
catch up, and I hope they do, it’s my suspicion that regulatory change may then
be a relative non-event.
As a window into my perspective, in the late 90’s, I
headed up an initiative for AXA Advisors to change a product driven insurance
sales force to fee based financial planners. We changed licenses from series 6
to series 7 and 65, compensation from commissions to charging a fee for
development of a financial plan and recognition from sales to number of fees plans
completed through a high level of due diligence and AUM. The diehard insurance
folks hated it because they thought this took the focus off insurance sales.
But a funny thing happened; the insurance sales for those who adopted this
holistic approach skyrocketed while those who didn’t change had result staying the same or even down. Rather than being adversarial salesmen, those who charged a fee became viewed as trusted advisors. They evolved from having one tool in the toolbox where if all you have is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail, to having multiple tools to address all the needs
in the best interest of the client. So, why didn't it become a long term success
for the company? Answer: Regulations. While adopting a holistic approach and
giving advice for a fee was the right thing for the client, the advisors were
held to the cumbersome standard of wearing one hat as a fiduciary during a certain
set of client meetings and when that engagement was complete (i.e. the plan was
complete and delivered), the advisor changed hats and then had to adhere to a
new set of FINRA regulations of suitability. The process of serving two masters (SEC and
FINRA) was cumbersome and simply unsustainable. So given this perspective, the form I'd like to see regulatory reform take is as follows:
- A
single governing body holding us to a fiduciary standard no less stringent than
the SEC definition today.
- A
singular definition of Fiduciary standard whether it’s from the SEC, FINRA or
- A
singular SRO to hold us accountable to the fiduciary standard and keep the bad
guys out. Frankly, I don’t care if it’s FINRA, the SEC or some new SRO...just keep it down to one. It
simply makes no sense for duplicate regulators, regulations and multiple standards of
- Place all who give "personalized investment advice" which includes RIA's, Registered Reps and Life and Annuity Insurance Agents, under this single fiduciary definition and singular SRO
- A
complete separation between product manufacturers and those who give advice. In
other words, if a company is in the business of building products like
insurance, mutual funds, TAMPS, etc, they must distribute their products
through a non-affiliated organization to avoid conflicts of interest. This
addresses the need to eliminate proprietary product sales.
- I’d
like to see the continued trend towards fee compensation to include annuity and
cash value life insurance products. I believe annuities and life insurance are
an important part of one’s asset classes/allocations and should be included
- I’d
like to eliminate anyone holding themselves out as a Financial Planner if all
they do is peddle indexed annuities or sell asset management (or any singular
product sale whether it’s for commission or a fee)
- I’d
like for anyone holding themselves out as a Financial Planner to be required to
hold a credential of CFP® and/or ChFC and be held
accountable by a single governing body to insure adherence to the six step
This is what I would
like to see given my unique perspective. Will it happen?...probably not. There
are simply too many special interests at the extremes giving conflicting information to lawmakers causing "paralysis by analysis". We know that the insurance industry and SIFMA are trying
to water down the definition of fiduciary if not delay it altogether under the
argument that it will increase the costs and reduce access to financial
products and advice. Does that hold water? Well, yes it does. Just look what happened
in the UK and Austrailia when their regs changed. The good news is that it weeded
out the riff-raff, but also dramatically cut the number of advisors catering to
the middle and low end markets. That doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue a
harmonized fiduciary standard, just that those of us who would like it to
happen need to be careful arguing that this defense has no merit when it in
fact may hold some truth.
As the extreme voices of
the industry continue to confuse, obfuscate and delay what I believe should
happen with regulations, the forces of change go well beyond what and when the regs may
become enacted. The momentum towards fees, consumer need for advice,
technological advances and new economics of the business will keep on-keep’in
on continuing to evolve the retail business models like never before. Next week I’ll
comment on the impact of new technology on retail business models. And
remember, everything I write or say is opinion, not fact and the way I see it is
perspective, not truth. I’d be curious to hear your opinion and perspective…